There are
a lot of good things happening with 3D across the world, yet I find that most
of the great stories about 3D in classrooms somehow seem to fly under the
radar. Yes, good things are in fact happening, but often no one knows about
them. Rarely do successes get the broad recognition they deserve. It's
for that reason that I am continuing our 3D School Success Stories
series once again
To become the
most successful integrator of educational 3D in the world takes moxie. It also
requires a great understanding of the educational customer, along with a firm
handle on the technology itself. Meet Kerem Özdagistanli, General Manager
of OKULDA 3D in Turkey.
I have been
studying this man’s effort for some years now, observing from afar. He is the
real deal. An executive in a large firm, a number of years ago Mr. Özdagistanli
grew restless. He needed to reach out, do more, and become more. He spent a
year or so studying, preparing, and planning and then broke out on his own to
create Okulda 3D, a serious 3D integration service
for the education market in Istanbul. And there is no one better.
Kerem Özdagistanli. General Manager of Okulda3D |
To date, Mr.
Özdagistanli has sold 3D education solutions to more than 250 institutions in
Turkey, with no end of that sales spiral in sight. (In Turkey, most of Okulda’s
customer are “colleges.” They appear to be similar to large, multi-site K12
schools in the U.S. See this link to see the immense size of some of these customer institutions.)
“Now, some schools are so satisfied working with us, that they decided all new
colleges which are being built must have 3D Labs,” states Mr. Özdagistanli. Of
course, a picture is worth a thousand words, so check out this customer
Most of the
installations sold by Okulda are focused on science instruction. Their many
customers currently utilize Xpand active glasses, DesignMate content, and
proven hardware components, including BenQ. “As an integrator,” says
Özdagistanli, “my most common problem is the high cost of hardware.” But with
hundreds of already successful customer projects underway, he has earned the
trust of the educators in Turkey. He adds: “When customers suggest us to other
customers—that’s the best advertisement possible—so we are growing very fast.”
Mr. Özdagistanli
believes that Turkey is now well positioned to be fertile soil for exploring
the broader role of 3D in education, for producing hardware and content case
studies, and for engaging in future 3D learning research.
I believe that
Kerem Özdagistanli is the most successful integrator of educational 3D in the
world. Now you know just a few of the reasons why I say this. In my coming posts , we will explore what Okulda does that is unique and how that
differs from the work of other integrators. In a final post, we will unpack
what the rest of the world can learn from Mr. Özdagistanli powerful strategies
for promoting 3D in education.