3D and Your Vision
When modern digital 3D first hit the large and small screen,
folks shouted sharply about their visual discomfort: headaches, eye strain,
soreness, and nausea seemed to rule the day. Although some of those problems
were due to poor stereographic techniques, the seminal research from the
American Optometric Association (AOA) laid most of these concerns to rest:
discomfort or the inability to see digital 3D without pesky symptoms was not
the fault of the technology, but rather, the peculiarities of our own
vision. The 3D experience was, in fact,
a quick and inexpensive test for healthy binocular vision. If you could
experience the richness of 3D, your eyes worked like they were supposed to. If
not, an underlying vision issue had just been brought to your attention.
With this revelation, the myth that the 3D experience was
“bad for your eyes” or “bad for children” rapidly dissolved. With the launch of
the AOA research, schools of optometry and vision health professional
associations launched an aggressive multi-year training effort to bring the
medical community up to speed in the diagnosis and treatment of what has become
known as the 3D vision syndrome. And you knew it wouldn’t be long until that
same vision revolution hit mobile devices. In next week’s post, we will introduce
the work of a leading optometrist/vision therapist who is moving rapidly to
bring 3D vision testing to the iPad, with great success. With a surprising
educational twist.
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