I’ve been working feverishly
with the NEO3DO, examining it from an educator’s perspective and showing it to
folks everywhere I go. As a result, I’ve
learned quite a lot. Here’s what I know so far: It works. It works very well.
In fact, the most telling and consistent phenomenon I have experienced while
showing the NEO3DO to educators and non-educators alike is the common reaction
I see: a physical reflex reaction from folks who jerk their heads back in
astonishment, peer more closely, point, or pose an enchanted second take in
utter disbelief. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is taken back at what they see
before them.
Clyde Dsouza, in his seminal book Think in 3D,
suggests that “the ability of 3D to influence people has still not been
studied.” He reminds us that 3D is “a powerful phenomenon that can even
activate our physical reflexes.” That’s what NEO3DO seems to do for people. It
makes them flinch in delight. For me, it resulted in a pleasurable head rush of
visual Elysium.

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