In preceding posts, I
mentioned that Whoosh3D had its eye on reaching the education market. In this installment, I weigh in on its potential for the education marketplace.
it a Fit for Education?
The answer is a strong yes. After much thinking, playing, and more
thinking, here are seven reasons why Whoosh3D makes sense in an education
setting and may hold a bright future:
It works on mobile devices. BYOD
is a popular meme in education today. Every student,
every school district, every university has their ‘preferred’ mobile device.
Whoosh3D starts with the user’s preferred device, and provides functionality
from there. Simon Gemayel, the founder of 3DMe, explains their strategy in this way: “My group has always
believed that 3D should have been introduced to the consumer mass market
through glasses-free mobile devices rather than TVs and expensive displays
requiring special glasses.”
It’s a threefer. Everybody loves a “threefer”: that
is, getting three things for the price of one. Educators will be delighted in the fact that, for one
price, they can solve three problems: they get an anti-glare filter, screen
protection for their mobile displays, and autostereoscopic 3D.
The price is right. Did I say I get all the above tools for around the $29.99 to $59.99 price
point, depending upon device size? Price-sensitive education customers will
definitely appreciate that.
Negative parallax. The negative parallax on Whoosh3D is good—and adjustable. That’s
important. One can tone it down or ramp it up. Typically, educators want
negative parallax toned up, for educational advantage. Whoosh3D gives them the
flexibility to easily do so.
It’s a slam dunk for user-generated content. It is my estimation that the strongest advantage of
the Whoosh3D autostereoscopic display lies with the app’s ability to produce
user-generated stereo content. A built-in feature of the Whoosh3D app, this
feature enables students to record their own world in 3D and then view, share,
rinse, and repeat in autostereoscopic 3D. As an educator, I would use this
feature immediately and creatively.
Gemayel of Whoosh3D adds that "we have invested heavily in features which can
be used by students (viewing educational content and working with 3D printers
now making their way into schools), gamers, architects, medical practitioners, and
more.” And did I say the price is right?