I am interrupting my research series on the Future-Talk 3D blog to share some breaking news related to stereoscopic 3D events at the ISTE 2011 conference. Since the conference starts on Monday, June 27, I am also posting this entry three days ahead of schedule.

Poster Session
3D Comes to School: The Story Continues
Monday, 6/27/2011, 11:00am–1:00pm
PACC Broad St Atrium Table: 26
PACC Broad St Atrium Table: 26
Presenters: Kristin Donley, Dr. Carole Hruskocy, Len Scrogan, Nancye Blair
Learn about the coming explosion of 3D stereoscopic content for the classroom from educators in the second year of a national pilot focused on 3D in learning.
ISTE UnPlugged Session
The Future of Document Cameras
Tuesday, 6/29/2011, 1:00-1:30pm
Presenter: Nancye Blair, Educational Technology Specialist (FL) www.engagingeducation.net or Twitter @engagingedu
Experience how best practices with emerging technologies in document cameras, from wireless mobility to stereoscopic 3D capability, can breathe life into the 21st Century elementary classroom.
Experience how best practices with emerging technologies in document cameras, from wireless mobility to stereoscopic 3D capability, can breathe life into the 21st Century elementary classroom.
Exhibit Hall Presentation
3D Interactive Teaching = Student Engagement
Tuesday, 6/29/2011, 2:30-3:00 Dell Booth, Exhibit Hall
Presenter: Len Scrogan, University of Colorado-Denver and Lesley University
Panel Session
3D Teaching = Student Engagement in the Classroom
Wednesday, 6/29/2011, 10:15am–11:15am
Building/Room: PACC 113A
Building/Room: PACC 113A
Panelists: The panel features four thought leaders in the field of 3D in education:
Dr. Carol Hruskocy. Dr. Hruskocy, Associate Professor of Education and Counseling at Regis University (CO), oversees two master degree programs. She is one of the researchers associated with the BVS-3D Case Study project in Boulder, Colorado. She has presented both nationally and internationally on a variety of topics including technology integration, faculty development for online facilitation and course development, and assessment of student learning.
Kristin Donley. A talented science teacher and runner up Teacher of the Year in the state of Colorado, Kristin currently serves as a high school teacher at Monarch High School in the Boulder Valley School District. She has carried the lead role in the most successful implementation project for 3D in U.S. schools.
Chris Hawes. A trained psychologist, documentary film producer, cinematographer, and advisor to the 3D@Home Consortium, Chris will comment about the role of 3D at home, cinemas, and schools related to human factors research.
Len Scrogan. Your humble blog author will provide an introduction and serve as the moderator for this unique panel session.
Breaking 3D news for those 3-D enthusiasts that are attending the ISTE conference in Philadelphia.
With the demand for 3D technology and educational content on the rise, a 3D document camera is joining the ranks. A 3D Ladibug from Lumens promises to be nothing less than a game-changer. It’s a stereoscopic visual presenter that allows teachers to handcraft unlimited 3D activities supporting standards in math, science, and literacy. The 3D Ladibug Document Camera can be experienced throughout ISTE in the Exhibit Hall at the Ladibug Document Camera Booth, #1049. The booth will also feature interactive 3D presentations by pilot educator, Nancye Blair, on Monday and Tuesday at 10am and 2pm.
I will feature this promising new technology in a coming Future-Talk 3D blog post, as well, and discuss the groundbreaking nature of this development.
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